Florist's Faves Bouquet
Let us do the choosing for you! A wrapped florist’s choice bouquet made with our fave seasonal blooms on the day! Arranged using different textures, heights and varieties for a truly unique design. Our bouquets come wrapped in paper with matching trailing ribbons. Due to seasonal sourcing, please expect floral variations from what is pictured. Images shown are a guide of the colour palette and style.
For any specific varieties, please let us know in the “Order Notes” section and we will accommodate as best as we can, example: “Loves roses” or “Doesn’t like fragrance”.
Optional: add a glass cylinder vase for $20.00.
Deliveries: flowers are delivered after 12pm Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturdays. Order before 12pm for same day delivery. Please make sure you read and understand the local flower delivery terms and conditions before purchasing. To read, click the previous link or find them under "More Info" at the footer of the site.
Florist's Faves Bouquet